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Thursday, October 15, 2015

Three Ways to Start Small, Think Big

Article written by Eric Bank

Launching your own small company is both exciting and worrisome. Any entrepreneur devotes substantial time to thinking and fretting about a new undertaking. As the day arrives when it's time to "go live," you will no doubt experience some hesitation. That's to be expected, but you can make it through the launch anxieties by thinking big --growing your idea from a tiny enterprise to a massive industry legend. You might not succeed, but the secret is to behave as if you will. This means giving attention to the large picture while seeing to the numerous activities necessary to propel the business forward. Here are three easy-to-follow tips for starting small and thinking big.

1. Adopt the Right Attitude
The energy you need for business success is more like that of a marathon runner than a sprinter. The crushing pressure to succeed spawns the desire to do everything all at once. Unfortunately, this leads to exhaustion or worse. Do not turn into a burnout, a working robot who sacrifices friends, family and happiness. Rather, focus on those activities needed to boost the long-term triumph of your business. Then, set a manageable pace that you can maintain for several years. To avoid burnout, set boundaries between your job and your private life -- if you work 9 hours a day at work, devote the other 15 are to non-work actions. Don't work weekends, or at least not Sundays. Make time for relaxation and creativity, taking vacations at least a couple of times per year.

2. Experiment
Experimentation calls for some bravery, but it's necessary. Ask yourself these underlying questions:

  • How will you measure success?
  • What are the major challenges you face?
  • How will you change the industry you're in?

These questions are harder to answer than figuring out whether to order the orange widgets or the green ones. You need both big and small thinking, and you'll quickly find out that no one answer is "correct" -- you can succeed several different ways. Instead of insisting on the "ideal" strategy, attempt a few different ones and figure out which one gives you the best outcomes. You'll get a good feel for your market. You will also find out how to avoid perfectionism, to efficiently market your products and services, and to adopt marketing techniques such as pilot projects for services or product focus groups. Ask the biggest questions you must confront and then develop experiments that will help you find the answers.

3. Learn From Others
If you wish to succeed, identify businesses and entrepreneurs who can inspire you. These are the companies that will teach you about becoming big. Bear in mind, industry titans frequently have modest beginnings, maybe similar to yours. Read up on their formative years and make note of their decisions - it will remove some of the uncertainty from your future.

Concentrate on your long-term direction, adopt useful habits and take manageable steps that create the momentum to succeed. You just might be surprised at the outcome!

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