I know a lot of articles have been written about this topic and it would be fool-hearty to offer a "simple" solution. However, I'd like to share just a couple of perspectives that I have encountered just this week. Hopefully, as we (as a society) tackle social issues, we will try to do so without political persuasions, but in an earnest effort to create a society in which compassion, justice and freedom prevail.
Teachers and teaching runs in my blood, I have quite a few close family members deeply entrenched in the educational institutions. A couple of them were comparing notes on recent "sweeps" that were done in their school neighborhoods. During this time, the Maricopa County Sheriff's Department felt it necessary to "sweep" the streets. They would canvas & stop parents walking their children to school to request proof of citizenship. This scared some of the parents so much, that attendance dropped by more than half. One family member said she only had eight children show up to class for about a week! It's heart-breaking to see so many children being used as pawns by politicians and parents alike.
It's impossible to live in AZ, and not be influenced by this social issue. Other family members have military background & have even worked on the Border Patrol. They have a very different perspective, as they see the massive influx of people daily crossing the very porous Mexican border. Also, since they are closely tied to the justice system, they see the corruption, greed, and disrespect for human dignity. It's infuriating to see the unending sea of criminals and lack of justice on the border.
So what does all this have to do with small business? Let me give you one last perspective to consider. We see many small business owners struggling to conquer the american dream. I don't use the word "conquer" lightly, it's a monumental task to learn all there is to know to make a small business succeed! One of the main issues I help owners struggle with is being compliant with all the tax and licensing laws: there are permits to obtain, professional licenses to maintain, sales and use taxes, income taxes, corporate taxes, and a myriad of payroll taxes. There are many industries that seem to attract those less willing to stay compliant. This makes it virtually impossible for those who want to be compliant to even compete! I have seen a few that have built enough of an excellent reputation and a loyal client base, that have survived. However, more than I'd like to count, either end up shutting their doors, or decide it's too hard to stay compliant, and just decide they have to operate illegally; and disappear from the government's radar.
There seems to be a big elephant in the room that many people like to talk about, but not many seem willing to do much about. As we look at all the different perspectives, our American ingenuity can tackle this complex problem! Let's make Arizona a place of compassion and freedom while enforcing the laws to keep us safe and prosperous!!
It's hard to say which way illegal immigration should be handled. The same way some businesses decide it is easier to not "follow" the rules is the same mentality that immigrants take when they come here, there are so many rules and regulations to follow. It is a difficult situation for both sides and too easy for those of us already here to judge.